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Open Source Learning Platform for Coders Open Source Learning Platform for Coders

Open Source Learning Platform for Coders

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place your app in a container (usually with Docker), and you can orchestrate those containers with Kubernetes.

K8S will help you manage your containers, scale them, and deploy them.

The massive community around K8S will help you with common problems like: DNS, Load Balancing, TLS, Secrets, and more.

Flux gives you tools to manage your K8S cluster state in a declarative, professional way.

Using Flux CRD’s, you can specify helm charts, install resources using kustomize, and everything is declared in your remote repository.

You simply push those CRD’s to your remote repository, and Flux will make sure your K8S cluster is in the desired state.

React is a UI library developed at Facebook to facilitate the creation of interactive, stateful & reusable UI components.
React is the most popular UI library and is heavily used in a lot of web applications and native mobile apps.

In this free and open source React course, you will learn the fundamentals of React, including React Hooks, JSX, props, state, events, and more.
We will use React to create a web application, we will interact with server, and learn about the popular libraries and frameworks that are used with React, such as Redux, React Router, and Next.js.

We will learn React in baby steps, taking short lessons, with plenty of online exercises in each lesson. The online exercises can be solved in the site in our online editor. Each lesson will include a video, step by step guides, source code, and online exercises.

Angular is an open source framework, developed by Google, for creating web applications.

In this FREE, OPEN SOURCE, FULL, Angular course, you will learn the fundamentals of Angular for beginners, and more advanced angular topics for the more experienced developer.

New Content

Kubernetes / Flux

Installing Flux with flux-cli

Install Flux on your K8S cluster.


The kustomize-controller will keep the cluster state in sync with the resources defined in a kustomization.yaml file.


In this lesson we will learn about helm-controller, and we will use it to install nginx ingress controller on our cluster

Installing Flux with Terraform/OpenTofu

In this lesson we will learn how to install Flux on our K8S cluster using Terraform or OpenTofu on GCp.

Introduction to Terragrunt

Proper IAC project is splitted to small modules, we need a proper dependency management for those small modules, while avoiding DRY violations. In this lesson we will learn how to achieve all that using Terragrunt.

Pretty code with pre-commit

Make our code pretty with pre-commit and pre-commit-terraform

Terraform Authentication and Impersonation

Work with a team while focusing on security best practices, giving each team memeber the minimum required permissions.


injection functions for repeating initializations

You can use injection functions for repeating initializations. Let's see how it works with NGRX

use *ngFor trackBy

Performance will be significantly improved if you use *ngFor trackBy functions

OnPush in all components

Best practice tip: OnPush should be set on all components

Structural Directives

Repeating *ngIf is often a sign to use a structural directive.


Redux inspired state management for Angular.

Installing @ngrx/store

Create a new Angular application and install @ngrx/store.

NGRX Actions

Student Ex. for NGRX actions

@ngrx/store - data flow

Understanding the basics of @ngrx/store data flow and the Redux pattern

NGRX State

Facts you need to know about the state that is managed by NGRX.


You can now replace *ngIf with the new @if(...)


Angular 17 has a new control flow syntax and it's recommended to stop using *ngFor, and use @for instead.

Remove `@ngrx/store-devtools` in production

If you are using `@ngrx/store-devtools` in your application, you should remove it in production.


commit messages

It's highly recommended to work with proper conventions when writing the commit messages. It is common to work with Conventional Commits, doing so can drastically improve readability and release automation.

Clean your commits

Learn how to clean your commits before pushing them to the remote repository.


React Components

Introduction to create a component in React.


In this chapter we will learn everything you need to know about React Suspense.

Understanding React Elements

Creating an hello world with React and going over the basics of a react application

Component Single Responsibility

Each React component should have a clear responsibility or role

Props Recommendations

Props are data that pass to a component from it's parent component. <br/> Here is a list of tips how to use props properly


Error handling in Node.js and Express

How we deal with errors and exceptions in Node.js, and how we handle them in Express

Typescript declaration file for extending Express Request type

We can use declaration files to teach typescript about different types we have in our app. We can also use declaration file to extend Express Request object. We often use Express middlewares to add information to the request object, with declaration files typescript can know about all the data we added to the Request object


Is Node.JS Single Threaded?

In this lesson we will dig deep into Node.js architecture in order to answer the question: Is Node.JS single-threaded?