
Free open source Angular course, with lessons, videos, interview questions, and code exercises.

Angular is an open source framework, developed by Google, for creating web applications.

In this FREE, OPEN SOURCE, FULL, Angular course, you will learn the fundamentals of Angular for beginners, and more advanced angular topics for the more experienced developer.

What you'll learn

Angular is a full framework for web development, it contains many tools to accelerate and simplify your web development experience.
Here's a sample of tools that angular provides that we will cover in this course:

  • Components - Components are the building blocks of Angular applications, they are the UI elements that make up your application.
  • Directives - Directives is a pretty cool unique feature of Angular, which allows you to add functionality to your HTML elements, HTML attributes and components.
  • Services - Services are the way you share data and functionality between components, we can place shared buisness logic in services.
  • Http Client - Angular provides you with tools you need to communicate with your backend server.
  • Routing - With Angular you can easily build your routing, pages, and layouts, of your web site.
  • Forms - In my opinion Angular provides the easiest and simplest tools for hadling forms for grabbing input from the user.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are many more tools that Angular provides, as well as recommended external libraries we should know about, and all will be covered in this community driven course.

Project based learning

I'm gonna let you in on a secret...
Learning technology by going over an online course is not the recommended way to learn a new programming technology.
The recommended way to learn a new programming technology is by building a project, and learning the technology as you go.
Yes, you will make mistakes, and yes, you will get stuck, and yes in the future when you look at your first project you will understand how badly written it is.
But then you will take another project and you will improve, and then another one, until you become a master of the technology.

It's for this reason that we will not, like other online courses, create a todo list app, nor are we going to create a shopping cart.
You will need to think about a project that excites you, and start building it.
When you start your project you will start asking questions like:

  • How do I start a new angular project?

Then you will look in this course and find the answer, you will move around from question to question:

  • How do I design my angular application?
  • How do I create pages and routing?

Every time you will progress in your project, new questions will arise, and you will find the answers in this course.

This is how I learned, and after countless projects, I advanced to managing teams, to CTO, and now I'm teaching you.

Your first step in this course is: What is my first exciting Angular web application?

What's included in this course?

  • Community driven lessons
  • Lesson videos
  • Code exercises
  • Code examples
  • Interview questions

Who is this course for?

Software developers with some experience in web development.

What can you create with Angular?

This course will teach you how to create web applications with Angular, but Angular is not limited to web applications, you can also create:

  • Mobile applications
  • Desktop applications
  • Progressive web applications


Web development experience is required, you should be familiar with the following topics:

  • HTML - this would be a prerequisite for any web development course.
  • CSS - this would be a prerequisite for any web development course.
  • JavaScript - this would be a prerequisite for any web development course.
  • TypeScript - Angular is written in TypeScript, so you will need to know TypeScript to use Angular.
  • NPM - Angular has a lot of community quality packages you can use to accelerate your development, we will use NPM to install them.